Brother Clarence Christian
It was in the Fall of 1974 when Brother Clarence Christian recognized a vital need in the Mississippi community. He understood the necessity for strong leadership, encouragement, and scholastic aptitude among blacks at Mississippi State University. With the inspiring legacy of Alpha Phi Alpha embedded deep within his heart. Brother Christian called upon nine young promising students with a great capacity to lead and learn to answer the call of a hungry society. Called to leadership, these young men are known as the "Fine Line Nine", chartered an outstanding chapter that would serve as part of a national organization that has been at the forefront of leadership since 1906.
Thus, the Kappa Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was born. Driven by a desire to further themselves in a society still suffering from the remnants of a societal decay, known as racial bigotry and segregation, they immediately became leaders within their community and created their own legacy that continues to prosper to this day.
Fall 1974:
Fine Line Nine
#1. Al White
#2. Stanley Barton
#3. Aaron Harris
#4. Carl Johnson
#5. Frederick Vincent Buie
#6. Carson Erwin
#7. Anthony Crawley
#8. Alvin Brown
#9. George Johnson
Spring 1975
#1. Taki Drumgoole
#2. Larry Buie
#3. James Spencer
#4. Eddie Stevison
#5. C.T. Thomas
#6. Lawrence Scott *
Fall 1975
#1. Frank Smith
#2. Eric Crawley
#3. John Lacey
#4. Sherron Jackson
#5. Byron Watson
#6. Eugene Winn
Spring 1976
#1. Tyrone Bates
#2. Charlie Reese
#3. Eric Lewis
Fall 1976
#1. Devon Stribling
#2. Herbert Johnson
#3. Bruce Edison
#4. Charles Brandon
Spring 1977
#1. Ronnie Nurse
#2. Curtis Alexander
#3. Charles Moore
#4. John Lee
#5. Greg Grim
#6. Lee Kyle
#7. James Brunty
#8. Charles Brown *
Fall 1977
#1. Larry Morris
Spring 1978
#1. Raffael Crockett
Fall 1979
#1. Desi Crouthers
#2. Barry Brown
#3. Robert Marks
#4. Michael Lee *
Spring 1980
#1. Charles Jackson
#2. William "Tony" Hall
Fall 1980
#1. R.T Richardson
#2. Donald Queen*
Spring 1981
#1. John Quinn *
#2. Dwayne Bynum
#3. Harvey Parson
#4. Tony Peoples*
#5. Steve Grayer *
Fall 1982
#1. Gregory Davis
#2. Denver Queen
Spring 1983
#1. Trygve Trosper
#2. Alfred J. Carter
#3. Willie Edwards
Spring 1984:
#1. Wesley Dillon
Fall 1984: Triple Threat
#1. Charles King
#2. Terrence Ackerson
#3. Reginald Bynum
Spring 1985:Keepers of the light
#1. Emund Woods
#2. Eric Fox
#3. Gregory Tillman
#4. Nobel Phillips
#5. Myron Holder
#6. Victor Clincy
#7. Carsno Mitchell
#8. Ermon Green
Fall 1985: The Tenacious Five
#1. Dana L. Raspberry
#2. Anthony Hardy
#3. Gabriel M. Swan
#4. Marvin W. Nichols
#5. Bruce W. McGowan
Spring 1987: Nine Noble Knights of the Light
#1. Jeffrey Thomas* - Sir Jazzy
#2. Victor Owens -
#3. Eric Neal - Sir Icy E
#4. Dempsey Miles - Sir Galahad
#5. Willie Nickson - Sir Love
#6. Melvin Redmond - Sir Intel
#7. Willie O'Neal - Sir Vigil
#8. Roddy Wade - Sir Domination
#9 Undrea Allen - Sir Suave
Fall 1987: 4-Ever Together
#1. Darryl Hunter - Quiet Storm
#2. Willie Townsend - Ice T
#3. Carlos Lloyd - Silk
#4. Calvin Dean - Intrigue
Spring 1988: Images of the Nile
#1. Anthony Neal - Awesomatic
#2. Sidney Jennings-Defiance
#3. Anthony Anderson - Shockadelica
Fall 1988: The Mystic, Most Noble, One Soul Survivor
1. Myriffeah Howard - Dr. Riff
Spring 1989: The Untouchables
#1. Purvie Green - Public Enemy
#2. Edward Crowley - Equilizer
#3. Eric Simmons - Renegade
#4. Norman Jones - Prohibition
#5. Isaac Johnson - Enforcer
#6. Stanley White - Bulletproof
#7. Oscar Peace - Babyface
#8. Siohn McCormick - Most Wanted
#9. Juan Bradford - Juanderful
#10. Fred West - Bad Vibes
#11. Curtis Johnson - The Godfather
#12. Edward Evans - Invincible
#13. Billy Dickson - Hit Man
Spring 1990: Elite Eleven
#1. Rodrick Walker
#2. Trenton Parker
#3. Alphelus Allen
#4. William Goss
#5. Tim Franklin
#6. Ronnie Huggins
#7. Rodney King
#8. Gerald Collier
#9. Leonard Lynce
#10. Luther Buie
#11. Mervin Sturdivant
Fall 1991
#1. Brian Boykins
#2. Greg Bails
Fall 1992: 2 Black, 2 Strong
#1. Stevie Watson
#2. Rodney Wilson
Spring 1993: 3 Shades of Conception
#1. Derrick J. Brown - Flawless
#2. W. Jabbar Willaford - Intimacy
#3 Gregory F. Hobson - Prime Time
Fall 1993
#1. Vernell McDonald
#2. Brian C. Perkins
#3. Fred Barber
#4. Rodney Alexander
#5. Carlos Trice
#6. Jermaine Johns
Spring 1995: The Frozen Chosen
#1. Marcus Harris - Alphalanche
#2. Vronn Pride - Heartbreaker
#3. Kedrick Storey - Devious
#4. Calvin Mosley - 4 Play
#5. Terrence Kendrick - Chill Factor
#6. Driscoll Devaul - Illusion
#7. Vincent Lewis - Sandman
#8. Brian Williams - Crucial
#9. Dedrick Thomas - King Midas
#10. Jerald Redmond - G-Force
#11. Lloyd Elam - JustICE
Spring 1996: Glaciers of ICE
#1. Archie Ellis
#2. R. David Crowder
#3. Darryl Barnes
#4. Tuni Kern
Spring 1997
#1. Isaac McGee
#2. Shun Goriolla
#3. Chris Trice
#4. W. Glenn Reece
#5. Marcus Lee
#6. Dedric Ruffin
Spring 1998: 5 Pinnacles of Light
#1. Kermit Evans
#2. Derrick Cherry
#3. Patrick Harris
#4. Nicholas Everson
#5. Reginald Kelly
Spring 1999
#1. Arundel Simpson
#2. Eulis A. Brown, III - Hypothermia
#3. Charles Lowe - Cool Breeze
#4. Dontrae - Relentless
#5. George White - Gucci
Spring 2000
#1. Waitress Harris - Cold Sweat
#2. Dunbar Henry - Golden Eye
#3. Willie Washington - Frostbite
#4. Brian Barnes - Iceberg
#5. Keon Henderson - Suave
Spring 2001: The Phrozen Chosen
#1. Deshaun Ward - Mr. Freeze
#2. Robert Warren - Fearless
#3. Melvin Stubbs - Infamous
#4. Jenard Younger - Glacier
#5. Lindsey Smith - Avalanche
#6. Lennie Adams - Ectasy
#7. Carlos McCarter - Sub-Zero
#8 - Marco Minor - Unpredictable
#9 - Nate Jackson - Infinite
#10. Wayne Madkin - FranchICE
Spring 2002: Ice Cold Pharoahs
#1. Nick Coleman - G.I.T.C.A.M.P.
#2. Jason Kyles - 2 Cold Blooded
#3. Eddie Martin Jr. - MesmerICE
#4. Desmond Rogers - Emotionally Cold
#5. Darrell Harris - Evil Genius
#6. C.J. McElroy - Cold Front
#7. Nick Catling - ICE Capone
#8. Terrence Young - 8 Carat Gold
#9. AB Larinde - Black ICE
#10. Kyle Sykes - Sykedelic
#11. Lamonte Stamps - EntICE
Spring 2004: Pharoahs of the Golden Dynasty
#1. Jason Young - Pharoahcious
#2. Jeremy L. Johnson - Cold SeDEUCEr
#3. Sherman Green - ALPHAdisiac
#4. Terrance West - KryptonICE
#5. J.C. Wilson - ProliPHIc
Fall 2005: I.C.E.C.O.L.D.
#1. Malcolm Conley - APErentICE
#2. Charles Foster - PHrozIn Guardian
#3. Calvin Davis - TREm3ndICE
#4. Deadric Williams - 4tiPHIed
#5. Larry Hawkins II - HypnotICEing
Spring 2006: A.P.E.S.
#1. John H. Tatum Jr. - Elite One
#2. Jason E. Manning - 2 PHaced
#3. Brian T. Gladney - ICE 3
#4. Dominic Brown - sAnctiPHIed
#5. Luther "SKIP" McCray - Chill PHactor
Spring 2007: 8 P.P.L.L.
#1. Jimmy P. Myers III - SuavACE
#2. B. Chad Noflin Jr. - Mr. nICE Guy
#3. Robert E. Walker - TREcherous
#4. Michael J. Maynor - PHInatic
#5. Varris A. Kees - PHIve Star
#6. Darryton L. Johnson - T.H.I.N. ICE
#7. Clarence A. Holmes Jr. - MystiPHI
#8. Willie F. Sullivan - VigorICE
Spring 2009: 5 G.D.S.
#1. Johnathan Young - ACEsassin
#2. Donald Springfield - Cold In2ition
#3. Sam Omoyege - Th3 Light
#4. Andreas Moffet - Un4seen ProPHIcy
#5. Chris Ferrell - IntensiPHIed
Spring 2010: 7 S.O.S.
#1. Ken C. Gilner - Cold cACE
#2. Fredrick R. Oglesby - ConDEUCEive ICE
#3. Corey M. Skelton - PHrozen L3gacy
#4. Phillip S. Fuller Jr - PHrozen PHantICY
#5. Willie N. Brewster - PHrozen soPHIstication
#6. Donovan L. Carroll - unrecognICEable
#7. Justin B. Washington - PHrozen PHIlosipher
Fall 2010: I.C.U. 8 F.O.T.
#1. Gerryian M. Davis - The PrimACE
#2. Marty Carpenter - Cold PHorti2ude
#3. Michael Bland - enTREpreneur
#4. Stanley Blackmon - FOURmidable I.C.E.
#5. Larry L. March - AmpliPHIed
#6. Evante Topp - PHresh PrInCE
#7. Julian R. Heidelberg - RePHIned Jewel
#8. Brandon Everett - Phr8train
Spring 2011: T.R.I.L.L
#1. Samuel M. Morris- ICEolACEtion
Fall 2012: R.E.S.I.L.I.E.N.T.
#1. Marcellius D. Moore – EmbrACEd ProphICEy
#2. Fredrick D. Thompson – Phrozen Prodigy
#3. Terrance L. Watson – Triumphant
#4. Phillip M. McAuley – Inphinite Fource
#5. DaVonta L. Whalum – Cold Shoulder
#6. Lowell S. Rose – Supreme JustICE
#7. Xavier T. Harris – PHROZEN InCEp7ion
Spring 2013: ICE COLD S.M.O.K.E.
#1. Matthew D. Campbell- Smooth As iCE
#2. Derek D. Love- Ul2mAte dePHIAnce
#3. Jayren J. Thompson- PHroz3n TRIbulation
#4. Jericho J. Harris- PHourd Tough
#5. Keeon G. Bell- Omnificent
#6. Isaiah N. Ware- Phrozen PHIlanthropist
Spring 2014: 16 D.I.S.T.R.A.C.T.I.O.N.S
#1. Darrius K. Jefferson – Co1d PHront
#2. Christopher C. Jenkins- Cold Preci2ion
#3. Tyler A. Anthony- Cold T3nacity
#4. Jarvis M. Shepherd- Black Ass4ssin
#5. Roderick D. Davis- SacraPHIce
#6. Keair Edwards- 6th sense
#7. Jay K. Hughes- Determined JEWEL
#8. Vernon A. West- Risk Phactor
#9. Randy Greenfield Jr- Hypothermia
#10. Jeremy K. Knott- EnlighTENment
#11. Jackie Ray Bingham- F1at L1ine
#12. Thomas G. White- ICEberg
#13. Kameron J. DeVerteil- Excess1v3 PHorce
#14. Benjamin S. Kendrick -Phrozen Paranoia
#15. Larry D. McGee- Phrozen Silence
#16. Christopher L. Kelley- PHrozen Phinale
Fall 2015: 8 Casualties of War
#1. Christopher W. Tables - 1nsomniACE
#2. Kennedy Washington II - unPHa2ed
#3. Robert Johnson Jr. - COLD ConcenTR3tion
#4. Tyler Calvert- C.O.L.D. W4R
#5. Tommy James Avant II -PHrozen SurPHIVor
#6. Jeffery Benard Daniel II - PHrozen Insi6ht
#7. Brandon Windless -COLD ha7ard
#8. Khalil Mcguire - H8ad Trauma
Fall 2016: 8 M.A.S.S.A.C.R.E.
#1. Jamal Ladarius Knowles - Co1d RevelACEtion
#2. Charles Wesley Reese - BLACK PH2OST
#3. Stanley C. Blackmon Jr. - DR3AM K.I.L.L.E.R
#4. Leonard Rashad Sims - G.H.O.S.T.
#5. Jeremy Cephas Mims - PHear PHa5tor
#6. Jerome Earl Woodson Jr. - PHright Ni6ht
#7. Antonio Devonte Barnes - PHro7en Antidote
#8. Justin Terrell Warfield - APEcalypse
Fall 2017: 12 P.R.O.D.I.G.I.E.S
#1. Bryson Wallace- Ko1d emBrACE
#2. LaDarrion Grant- Cold Exhau2tion
#3. Calvin Brown- Phroz3n ProphICY
#4. Micheal Williams- W4rcry
#5. Eric Lucas- Ru5h Hour
#6. Fred Griffin- Phrozen 6uccessor
#7. DaQuan Phillips- PHro7en injustICE
#8. Tyler Simmons- PHrozen M8mba
#9. Jalen Jackson- PHrozen SymPH9ny
#10. DeVante Moore- Cold EXPRESS10N
#11. Justin Griffin- PHrozen B1ood1ine
#12. Rashad Cockrell- PHrozen ENDurance
Fall 2018: unre1ea6ed
#1. Kendravis D. Alexander - cACE C1osed
#2. Jailand C. Williams - PHree 2MOKE
#3. Akeelein J. Forrest - PHrozen 3ntICEment
#4. Jeremy D. Davis - Phrozen 4titude
#5. Brentson R. Hall - 5ilverback
#6. Jalen D. Gordon - Phrozen 6olitude
#7. Jeremy E. Grace - PHro7en PHItaLITy
#8. Quantez D. Perkins - AmpliPHIed 8pe
#9. Jeffrey D. Pate, Jr. - PHrozen S9lid
#10. Elliot Ware - precICE inTENtions
#11. Taylor A. Floyd - Apo11o Black
#12. Robert L. Bradford, Jr. - M1DNI2HT EDGE
#13. Shondell S. Ivy, Jr. - PHIna1 D3stination
#14. Tylon N. Ward - Co1d Pl4y
#15. William E. Dean - PHata1 Attra5tion
#16. Matthew C. WIlloughby - Natura1 Disast6r
Fall 2019: ANARCHY
#1. Corey D. Dorsey - Phree SpACE
#2. Alex A. Jackson - Trend2etter
#3. Eddie Price III - Phrozen Ph3nom
#4. Kinundra K. House - Code Bl4ck
#5. Caleb T. Jenkins - 5potlight
#6. Justin L. Applin - Phrozen Phore6ight
#7. Khalil P. Markham - Pho7nix
#8. Kieran J. Williams - Cold Articul8ion
#9. Chidi N. Agusiegbe - Cold Com9osure
#10. Lemuel D. Walters - InTENse PHacet
#11. Sydney G. Wicks - Heur1st1c
#12. Ronald L. Billingsley - Co1d Ven2ance
#13. Moses H. Feagin -B1indSid3
Fall 2021: the 12 invaders
#1. Nathan D. Mosley- Bra1n PHreeze
#2. Titus A. Neyland- InDEUCEd Intent
#3. Tyler J. Woodberry - UnPHorseen PHorc3
#4. Zachary J. Mikell- Disclos4r
#5. Trey K. O'Neal - PHInatical Intelle5t
#6. Chris R. Kee- Prophetic PHro6t
#7. Peyton O. Brown - Ar7ic Menace
#8. Tyriq J. Mitchell - Wint8r Soldier
#9. Rucell Harris Jr. - PHrozen Ten9city
#10. Frederick D. McCollum Jr. - Cold Assert10n
#11. Josh B. Bailey- S1lent N1ght
#12. Johnny E. Wilson III - PHIna1 Produc2
SPRING 2023: The 9 A.S.C.E.N.D.A.N.T.S
#1. Jalen M. Robinson - X-PHactor
#2. Chris L. Walker II - PHree2tyle
#3. Isaiah K. Mills - Mast3rMind
#4. Jeff D. Johnson Jr. - PHrozen Ad4ption
#5. Ralph S. Arrington II - PHo5al Point
#6. Skylar E. Bryant - P6in Killer
#7. Chandler I. Bryant - Cold Cal7bration
#8. Dujuan A. Brown - Cold Cre8tion
#9. Blake A. Bland - PHrozen Visio9ary
#1. Nathan T. Cooke - ShowcACE
#2. Alfred K. Carter - Poker PH2ce
#3. Victor A. Simon - Cultur3 Shock
#4. Samuel M. Trotter- Draw PHour
#5. Austin A. Wheeler - 5ecret Weapon
#6. Ethan N. Young- Dark Kni6ht
#7. Lazarious T. Gates - 7ing Kong
#8. Tyler J. Branch - Sneak Att8ck
#9. Isaac X. Watson - Superst9r
#10. Omarion K. Luss - SnowPHall
#11. Alonzo R. Shaw - Ki11 Switch
#12. Jakobi O. Walton - Cinematic
#13. Alfred E. Rankins - Po1ar Expr3ss
#14. Nigel L. McGee - Art1c Vi4er
#15. Travis D. Dent - Gr1m Rea5er
#16. Jessie C. Williams - B1ack Mam6a